Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting ready!

Phew! The summer is almost over and while I am not completely struck with panic at the length of my to do list, it seems to be a 2 steps forward-1 step back kind of a cha cha?

I will take pictures of my finished classroom soon, soon, soon...until then, I've got 2 new items up in my TpT store.

Here's a FREEBIE!

I used this back to school postcard as a little welcome to my classroom and a personal invitation to Back to School night.

The second thing I am super stoked about using this year is a writing process clip chart.  I am hoping this will help to manage writer's workshop as well as to help students track their own progress through the writing process.

Thanks for reading! Here's to a great year!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hi! My name is Abby and I am soon to be a first year teacher.  I wanted a blog to keep all my ideas in one place and to keep a scrapbook of sorts of my first year.  Thanks for joining me!